It is recommended that a system of regular inspections for pallet racking installations shall be carried out on a regular basis and at least once every 12 months, as a minimum in accordance with AS 4084-2012 (Ref. AS 4084-2012, Section 8.1 General, and Section 8.2-Inspections, pages 99-100.)
For inspections carried out after a seismic or cyclonic event, it is recommended that the inspector issue a copy of the inspection report to the manufacturer for their technical review and comment. A qualified structural engineer may be required to inspect the site subject to the initial report and findings.
In accordance with AS 4084-2012 inspections shall be carried out to:
(a) Ensure the correct application and use of equipment.
(b) Ensure that the working load limits are adhered to.
(c) Ensure that the racking installation has not been altered. A copy of the load application and configuration drawings shall be retained for this purpose.
(d) Examine the extent of damage due to impact on the racking installation.
(e) Examine the out of plumb of the racking.
(f) Examine for any dislocation and deformation of sections and connections for uprights and beams.
(g) Examine connectors for deformation or signs of cracking at the welds.
(h) Examine base plate for anchors.
Additionally, it is recommended that a formal reporting and recording process for all damage and repairs is carried out.