envelopeandyhuntersales@gmail.com phone0408767352
For operators working in confined spaces, visibility is essential. To this end, the unique design geometry of the RC Series stand-up forklift outpaces all others where it counts the most: in trailers, narrow aisles, and areas congested with pedestrians, equipment and products.
Ever-changing working conditions hold the risk of damage and injury. The SC 6000 forklift offers a number of proactive systems optimising safety, efficiency and performance.
The redesigned FC Series forklift features a near-zero turning radius and allows for a larger battery, providing longer runtime than similar trucks with up to 40% more loads per battery charge. Even the hydraulic system has been optimised to provide greater lift, tilt and lower speeds, resulting in increased productivity and savings of time, energy and effort.
The C-5 Series is designed inside and out for optimal comfort, confidence, stability, and safety so operator productivity can keep pace with lift truck performance.
Crown’s CG Counterbalance series is designed with reliability in mind. For example, consider the enclosed oil cooled disc brake system which eliminates outside contamination for extended brake life up to 5 times.
Crown’s CD Counterbalance series is designed with reliability in mind. For example, consider the enclosed oil cooled disc brake system which eliminates outside contamination for extended brake life up to 5 times.